Writing For A Better World

Take a moment and just love writing for the love of it! The differences between writers and authors is that authors write to live, writers live to write. 🙂

Explore the World

Most people write to make money but I don’t. I write mainly for school because we have an assignment to write. Probably when i’m done with all the assignments I wouldn’t write every week anymore but i’ll always try to make time for writing in this busy world. Before my experience in writing for my English class I would have never thought about creating a blog and writing every week. Now I really like the experience and I think that it is extremely important to write!

Writing doesn’t just benefit others with the information you are going to share but more importantly it benefits the writer who learns from the experience, which is improving writing, communicating more with other people, researching new ideas and cultures, trying to find interesting topics, choice of words, staying on topic and a lot more. I believe that writers learn more than readers as they…

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Same Difference

FRIENDLY HEADS UP: The topic covered today can be a touchy one, if the idea/on going argument and debate about same-sex marriages and the topic overall are not up your alley, feel free to move along. 🙂

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

-Genesis 1:27

There’s something I’ve come to notice that the world has constantly fought upon, spent wars over, riots and debates. It’s torn families apart, it’s started bloody wars, it’s ripped friend from friend, turned brother on brother, and it slips around like a shadow, it’s there, people see it, people comment on it, people step over it, but no matter how we look at it, it seems it is always there.




noun; the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.”
But the kind of equality I’m going over today isn’t the difference between colors, it’s more about rights, about beliefs, lifestyles, the way we are.
In worlds before and in lifetimes beyond, being different was both good and bad. When you look back to times like the Renaissance, people wanted to be different, they wanted change. When you look to periods like the Religious Wars or even now, where people are constantly at odds and ends over being different or fitting in, we’re always looking at it in different ways, because the thing is, no matter what you do, people will never see eye to eye, they will always look upon things in a different perspective.
But that doesn’t mean we can’t understand each other now, does it?
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What is different? What is normal? Who decides? History? Tradition? We don’t know, we simply follow what we’ve been told all our lives. But the great thing is that nowadays, people are okay with being different, people see it as something new and they accept it with willing arms.
Perhaps before, and even still, people weren’t okay with the idea of liking someone the same as you. But why not? You fall in love or become friends with people because you have things in common, because you can relate, you get along, so why does it matter that the thing you have in common is gender? Why is the fact that someone likes someone of the same sex matter?
“It’s wrong,” they say, “It’s weird” they mutter.
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You know what, it is different. But no one ever said different was bad.

I think it is perfectly okay to have same sex marriages.

NPH-on-Marriage-Equality.gif (500×207) Continue reading

Latin Quotes for the Soul

I love Latin, I really do. Even though I’m not at all fluent with the language, I’d really like to be.

But the best thing about Latin is that it is the root of so many of our words. It was spoken before we spoke, and the history and culture behind it is amazing.

But in the meantime, these quotes will have to suffice.

So here are some quotes that I’ve found to be inspirational or simply cool out of the fondness for the language, and feel free to use them to even sound a little cool.

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1. “Dimidium facti qui coepit habet.”

“He who has begun has the work half done.”

2. “Bis vincit qui se vincit in victoria.”

“He conquers twice who conquers himself in victory.”

3. “Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.” 

“I’ll either find a way or make one.”

4. “Aut vincere aut mori.”

“Either to conquer or to die.”

5. “Ipsa scientia potestas est.” 

“Knowledge itself is power.”

6. “Nil desperandum.” 

“Never despair.”

7. “Amicitiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternam fore.”

“I hope that the memory of our friendship will be everlasting.”

8. Vestis virum reddit.”

“The clothes make the man.”

9. “Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem.” 
“Remember when life’s path is steep to keep your mind even.”

10. Vir sapit qui pauca loquitur.”
“That man is wise who talks little.”

11. Alea iacta est.”
“The dice has been cast.”

12. Semper inops quicumque cupit.”

“Whoever desires is always poor.”

13.“Serva me, servabo te.”

“Save me and I will save you.”

14. A fronte praceipitium a tergo lupi.”

“A precipice in front, wolves behind” basically “between a rock and a hard place”

15.Si vis pacem, para bellum.” 

“If you want peace, prepare for the war.”

16. Dulce bellum inexpertis.”

“War is sweet for those who haven’t experienced it.”

17.Si vis amari, ama.” 

“If you wish to be loved, love.”

18. Semper idem.”

“Always the same thing.”

19. Dum viviumus, vivamus.” 

“When we live, let us live.”

20. Ubi concordia, ibi victoria – Publius Syrus
“Where there is unity, there is the victory.”

21. “Veni, vidi, vici.”

“I came, I saw, I conquered.”

22. “Quid pro quo.”

“Something for something else.” or “A favor for a favor.”

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23. Temet nosce.”

“Know thyself.”

24. “Audax at fidelis.”

“Bold but faithful.”

25. Non ducor duco.”

“I am not led, I lead.”

26. Semper ad meliora.”

“Always towards better things.”

27. “Sic itur ad astra.”

“Thus you shall go to the stars.”

28.  “Forest fortuna adiuvat.”

“Fortune favors the brave.”

29. “Carpe noctem.”

“Sieze the night.”

30. “Carpe diem.”

“Sieze the day.”

Hopefully you too can take these quotes and put them to good use. Whether it’s for a trendy, cool looking bio, a life lesson or motto, or even something just to dish out every now in then in a conversation jsut to show off your stuff.

Celebrate Latin everyone.